Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Health insurance

Health insurance is a promise from the company insurance to its customers that if the customer experience as it relates to health risks, such as illness inpatient, so should be treated the way, treated or hospitalized for surgery, then the insurance company will provide you with a replacement to the customer. By taking health insurance, it is expected that you could be protected from high health costs at this time. Health insurance doesn't have to be purchased by buying life insurance first, because health insurance you can buy your own separately. Health insurance is a type of insurance product that specifically guarantee the cost of health care insurance or members that if they fell ill or had an accident. In outline there are two types of treatments offered insurance companies, i.e. hospitalization (in-patient treatment) and outpatient (out-patient treatment).

Health insurance is the foremost insurance needs before you have insurance programs and other investments. Because health is your basic capital to perform various activities in this life. The high pollution capital and living patterns increasingly disorganized with the needs of sport and rest that is not enough, as well as diet which is now increasingly, it all gets instant increases the risk to health. So, the chances of someone for pain is extremely high. While the cost of healthcare or treatment is increasingly expensive, especially the cost of hospital care and medication.

In General, health products consists of: health insurance and Health Charities. Both products have a very fundamental difference.

Health insurance will provide reimbursement based on the cost of Medical Bills and Receipts amounting to maximum Table benefits in his health insurance policy. Health insurance claims can be done with Cross Benefit, i.e. do Claim the difference against the benefits already paid insurance to other insurance companies by using a copy of a file that has been legalised by the previous insurer. Available benefits are very complete: Inpatient, Outpatient, Rawat delivered, Rawat Rawat's teeth, and a glass eye.

Health CHARITIES will provide replacement according the size of the planned contract per each day's inapnya. This can be done cash benefit Health Benefit, i.e. doing a Double double claims to more than one insurance company to the benefit of each intact. It is also possible to receive a replacement was defined as income lost per day due to the risk of Hospitalization due to illness or Accident. This Program is a great RIDER (Insurance extra) in life insurance Link units.

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