Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Mango to prevent fatness

Obesity is a problem that is quite annoying for many people. Unfortunately, attempts to lose weight often fail

keep due to lack of discipline in diet program. To help lose weight and prevent obesity, it's worth a lot of

eat a mango and his skin was intact.According to a study in Australia, led by Professor Mike Gidley of Queensland

Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, skin 2 types of mango called Irwin mango and mango Nam Doc Mai may slow

the buildup of fat cells on humans. The skin of the two types of mango are rich in bioactive substances.

"Our findings show that the composition of the phytochemicals in Mango effective in inhibiting the process of Adipogenesis, i.e. processes that play a role

essential trigger obesity. Mango fruit skin is the source of nutrients that are beneficial to the cell, "said prof Gidley as reported by,

Sunday 10 June 2012.

In a study published the journal Food & Function, researchers analyzed the chemical components from extracts of skin and flesh from the 3 different types of fruit

Mango. As a result, the skin a mango varieties Nam Dok Mai Irwin and significantly inhibit adipogenesis process or storage cells

fat. "We know a mango has excellent nutritional content. But deeper research needs to be done to understand natural compounds

the complex is found in fruits and other fruits, "said Gidley.

According to, the fruit is indeed often Gidley has a chemical composition that is very different on the skin and the meat. Detailed chemical analysis

against the skin and flesh of the fruit is very very mrnguntungkan farmers or others who are always looking for better value for fruits


"Obesity is associated with many chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, as well as breast cancer and large intestine.

There is plenty of evidence that natural chemicals found in the fruit can hinder the process of hoarding fat cells and prevent obesity, "

said Gidley. research conducted Gidley reminds benefits take eat with his skin for the sake of health.

Some fruits like apples and pear is also more beneficial to health when eaten with the skin.

To lose weight and avoid obesity, researchers also advocated for exercising more and do a lot of

spend time with sit. Consumption of fatty foods should also be avoided.

Good luck, ... ...

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